Category: Articles
NextEra Energy Only Large Utility Company Without Absolute Carbon Reduction Goal
NextEra Energy, the parent company of Florida Power & Light and Gulf Power, recently touted an award it received from Fortune as the “World’s Most Admired” utility, along with another...
Duke Energy refuses to consider climate-related risk in North Carolina rate case
Utility enters testimony that contradicts emissions commitments, dodges questions about climate preparedness while seeking to recover grid costs.
Southern Company Attempts to Block Public Input in Resource Planning; Entergy Joins in Mississippi
Southern Company and Entergy have been objecting to participation in regulatory proceedings such as integrated resource plans and certificates of public need.
Bill Protecting Virginia Gas Power Plants Came from Lobbyists, Lawmaker Admits
A bill that will support two planned gas-fired power plants in Virginia originated with lobbyists for one of the plants, documents and an interview with the bill’s legislative sponsor reveal....
Dominion and NextEra Takeover Bids for Santee Cooper Provide Little to No Benefit to South Carolina
Dominion Energy and NextEra Energy were named the top picks to manage or buy the state-owned utility Santee Cooper, in an analysis released on February 11 by the South Carolina...
Dominion Energy net-zero goal undercut by pipeline expansion, “renewable natural gas” offset scheme
The utility joins wave of peer companies setting new emissions targets - but stops short of meaningful fossil fuel curtailment.
Tri-State will replace coal plants with a gigawatt of new wind and solar
Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association announced last month that it will close its coal plants in Colorado and New Mexico and build a gigawatt of new wind and solar projects,...
Entergy New Orleans made misleading claims that ROE cut meant financial disaster
When the New Orleans City Council threatened to cut Entergy New Orleans’ high profit margins last year, the utility company responded aggressively: it said that such a move would not...
Southwest Gas was top contributor to Arizona legislators sponsoring gas utility bill
Southwest Gas gave thousands of dollars to the campaigns of Arizona Senate President Karen Fann and Speaker of the House Rusty Bowers last month, ahead of those legislators’ introduction this...
Arizona Public Service announces 100% clean energy goal, saying it will “eliminate all fossil fuels”
Arizona’s largest investor-owned utility announced today that it will close its coal plants and increase its use of renewable energy over the next decade, ultimately aiming for 100% clean energy...