Category: Utilities
CT Lawmaker Eyeing PURA Seat Owes Struggling Ratepayers Over $1 Million
Current businesses would pose conflict of interest
New Laws Curbing Utility Political Spending Saving Ratepayers Millions of Dollars
Gas and electric customers in Connecticut have been spared from footing the bill for up to $10 million of their utilities’ political spending on lobbying, advocacy, and advertising activities since...
Xcel legal fight could force customers to pay more for exec pay
The utility balked after Minnesota regulators removed executive compensation costs from customers' bills
Ameren Missouri seeks rate hike amid mounting disconnections
With 90,000 disconnections in 2024, Ameren seeks to raise bills 15%.
Tucson Electric Power filings show millions of dollars to trade and chamber groups possibly borne by customers
Tucson Electric Power (TEP) spent $2.1 million, which it intends to collect from customers, on memberships in political trade associations, chambers of commerce, economic development organizations, and other groups during...
Duke Energy utilities long knew of climate change risks before joining denial campaigns
The utility companies that comprise today’s Duke Energy Corporation were privy to early warnings about climate change in the 1970s, well before the phenomenon emerged as a major public issue...
Utility members silent on Ohio Chamber’s opposition to Issue 1, but their money speaks volumes
Utility members of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce are silent on the industry group’s opposition to Issue 1, which aims to depoliticize how voting districts are drawn in Ohio. The...
Southwest Gas incessant in requesting back-to-back rate increases
Southwest Gas, one of the country’s largest gas utilities, requested an 11.88% – $125.6 million – rate increase with the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) earlier this year. If approved, the...
Missouri utilities pump more than $400,000 into Kehoe gubernatorial bid
Led by Ameren, utilities have funneled nearly $600,000 to the Republican throughout his political career.