Category: Utilities
Follow the money behind attacks on clean energy in Ohio
December 28, 2016 update: Republican Governor John Kasich has vetoed legislation – HB 554 – that would have effectively extended the freeze on Ohio’s clean energy standards for another two years...
What’s next for solar in Florida after the Amendment 1 results?
How Florida votes on Election Day will determine whether Amendment 1 results in success for the utilities that have spent $20+ million backing this ‘deceptive’ attack on rooftop solar, or...
The Real Cost Shift: Utilities Force Customers to Subsidize Attacks on Rooftop Solar
Florida utilities are using customer money to subsidize the Edison Electric Institute's misleading attacks on so-called “subsidies” for rooftop solar.
Florida utilities silent amidst controversy over anti-solar Amendment 1
Deceptive Amendment 1 strategy defies utilities’ codes of conduct
Does Dominion support using Thomas Jefferson’s name to spread climate denial?
This relationship between a lobbyist for one of the nation’s largest utilities and an aggressive purveyor of attacks on climate science and policies warrants much deeper scrutiny than it has...
Edison Electric Institute’s Anti-Solar, PR Spending Revealed
Over the past couple of decades, special interests from the coal, oil, utilities, and other energy industries have routinely used lobbying, public relations, and other means to impact decisions that...
Assemblymember Perea’s Energy Bill Pushed by Fossil Fuel Interests Tied to American Legislative Exchange Council
In 2014, California Assembly Bill 1763 would require the California Energy Commission (CEC) to develop a state energy plan for 2030 and 2050. It is sponsored by Californians for Affordable...
Duke Energy’s Plans To Attack Solar In North Carolina
In a sign it will seek to maintain its monopolistic control of North Carolina’s energy generation, Duke Energy CEO Lynn Good criticized solar net metering in a meeting with local...
Dominion Thwarts Solar Net Metering Bills in Virginia
Dominion successfully lobbied for substitute language that would give the company the right to build and own community solar.
Coloradans Urge Governor Hickenlooper Not to Swear In Glen Vaad to Utility Commission
Glenn Vaad received an American Legislative Exchange Council “State Legislator of the Year” Award in 2012.