Category: Utilities
Chairman of Ohio House Public Utilities Committee owned Duke Energy and Spectra Energy stocks
Representative Bill Seitz owned Duke Energy and Spectra Energy stocks while he led efforts to rollback Ohio’s renewable energy and energy efficiency standards during his previous stint in the Ohio Senate. Rep....
Neil Chatterjee: Trump’s FERC pick is a rubber stamp for fossil fuel and utility interests
President Trump will soon nominate Neil Chatterjee to fill one of the three open seats on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), according to media reports. A coalition of 135...
“Hell to pay” if Trump targets EPA climate science, says U.S. Chamber official
A senior official with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce warned that if Trump tries to rescind the EPA's endangerment finding for greenhouse gasses, it will be a "huge, huge buzzsaw".
Insider Emails: Polluter Lobbyists Behind Clean Energy Standards Freeze in Ohio
Insider emails confirm the undue influence of polluter lobbyists and special interest groups over the controversial Energy Mandates Study Committee report that recommended an extension of the freeze on clean...
Follow the money behind attacks on clean energy in Ohio
December 28, 2016 update: Republican Governor John Kasich has vetoed legislation – HB 554 – that would have effectively extended the freeze on Ohio’s clean energy standards for another two years...
What’s next for solar in Florida after the Amendment 1 results?
How Florida votes on Election Day will determine whether Amendment 1 results in success for the utilities that have spent $20+ million backing this ‘deceptive’ attack on rooftop solar, or...
The Real Cost Shift: Utilities Force Customers to Subsidize Attacks on Rooftop Solar
Florida utilities are using customer money to subsidize the Edison Electric Institute's misleading attacks on so-called “subsidies” for rooftop solar.
Florida utilities silent amidst controversy over anti-solar Amendment 1
Deceptive Amendment 1 strategy defies utilities’ codes of conduct
Does Dominion support using Thomas Jefferson’s name to spread climate denial?
This relationship between a lobbyist for one of the nation’s largest utilities and an aggressive purveyor of attacks on climate science and policies warrants much deeper scrutiny than it has...
Edison Electric Institute’s Anti-Solar, PR Spending Revealed
Over the past couple of decades, special interests from the coal, oil, utilities, and other energy industries have routinely used lobbying, public relations, and other means to impact decisions that...