Florida utilities silent amidst controversy over anti-solar Amendment 1

Deceptive Amendment 1 strategy defies utilities’ codes of conduct

/ October 24, 2016
Funding to Consumers for Smart Solar for Amendment 1 as of Oct. 14, 2016

“Consumers for Smart Solar” behind Florida’s Amendment 1 collected only $10 from actual consumers

Florida's "Consumers for Smart Solar," the group behind the anti-solar Amendment 1, has collected only $10 from actual individual consumers. It has collected $22 million from electric utilities, fossil fuel...

/ October 24, 2016

Consumers for Smart Solar Caught Deleting References to the James Madison Institute

Deletions started to occur after leaked audio sufaced of JMI revealing the true intentions behind Amendment 1

/ October 21, 2016

Press Release: Utility-funded PAC caught attempting more “political jiu-jitsu”

Consumers for Smart Solar tries to delete online ties to James Madison Institute

/ October 21, 2016

Press Release: New Evidence that Florida Utilities Sought to Deceive Public on Anti-Solar Ballot Initiative

Florida utilities disguised anti-solar initiative as pro-solar to trick voters, state solar supporters

/ October 19, 2016

Leaked Audio Shows How Florida Utilities Sought to Deceive Voters to Support Amendment 1

"use the language of promoting solar, and kind of, kind of put in these protections for consumers that choose not to install rooftop"

/ October 18, 2016

Arizona Regulators Blunt Solar Progress

Arizona could be a solar hotbed, but regulators there have stunted the market, causing the state to fall behind other leaders in solar growth.

/ October 13, 2016

Consumer Energy Alliance, group behind fraudulent petitions and letters signed by dead people, releases anti-solar report

The Consumer Energy Alliance, a front group for fossil fuel companies and utilities, released a report last month attacking policies that support solar power.

/ October 11, 2016

Retired Duke Energy Executive Paul Newton Raises Large Sums in Race for State Senate

If elected, Paul Newton will join a growing list of former Duke Energy employees who are serving in North Carolina government roles.

/ September 29, 2016

EPA’s Clean Power Plan Opponents Led By Just A Few Power Companies

Recent investigations have revealed that some of the nation’s largest electric utilities, including the industry's trade association, have quietly funded UARG to sue President Obama's Clean Power Plan.

/ September 27, 2016